Saturday, January 3, 2009

Basic E-mail in Second Life

To send and get replies to E-mail thru Second Life, use this script in your prim.
//Type inside the quotes here:

string eMail ="";//your email address, but remove the spare @
string subject = "E-mail test"; //subject in quotes
string bodyText = "This what I wrote."; //text in quotes

//Now save script


llOwnerSay("Sending email now"); //Tell owner you are sending the e-mail
llSetObjectName(llKey2Name(llGetOwner())); //from the Owner...
llEmail(eMail, subject, bodyText); //send the email..
llSetTimerEvent(5); //start watching for a reply ...

llGetNextEmail("", ""); //if an email is there,

email(string time, string address, string subj, string message, integer num_left)
llOwnerSay("Email from "+address+". Subject: "+ subj + ":\n" + message);//Read it to owner

I got an e-mail

~Arth Karas <>
~date Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 12:16 AM
~subject E-mail test
~Object-Name: Arth Karas
~Region: SLVEC (230400, 229888)
~Local-Position: (178, 143, 21)
~This is what I wrote.

~~~~Sending demystified.~~~~~~
Getting e-mail into SL is a bit harder:

Click reply, BUT
~remove the object name and from the e-mail
~so the address was:

~remove all links, and formatting in the email - even breaks!
~ NOW send it.

and in my chat:
Arth Karas: I got an email from Subject: Re: E-mail test:
This what I wrote.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Daz and Secondlife

Wow DAZ in Selcondlife! I would like to thank DAZ for all there hard work in Secondlife. They are tying hard to make the tools we use much more applicable for use and are doing a great job. A few weeks ago I bought there Hexagon software and have been playing and learning with it since.

Finding it is a fun way to make Scupties if anyone is interested, I will try to get some more information up about this product in the next month or so, but they do have a demo if you want to check it out. I have put a link to the site here if you are interested in learning more about them.

Thank you
Arianwen Mercy

Monday, May 12, 2008

A Nice Start to a new beginning.

This would make a great free woman gown!

This is a sexy yet elegant gown that will turn the heads of anyone that sees you in it.


- Flexi Skirt

- flowing Sleeves

- High-back Collar

- Veil

- Shirt

- Pants

FairyI hope that your day will be bright and your path welcoming.Thank you for purchase, and enjoy!Arianwen

Can't Find your Dream Gown e-mail

Must include a photos of what you wish your gown to look like or send me a note card inworld with the details.Custom Gowns must be submitted at least one month before the needed or before wedding to prevent back orders....

Thank You